Cryotherapy is the process of cooling the body through rapid, extremely cold air to obtain various health benefits. This process causes a fight-or-flight response in the body. The blood is supercharged with anti-inflammatory proteins, muscular enzymes, and higher oxygen levels, resulting in a very effective treatment for repair recovery, relief, and overall wellness.
Cold therapy has been used for decades in the form of ice packs, compresses, and ice tubs to treat pain and inflammation and recover from injury and other ailments. Cold air therapy is widely used in Europe, Russia and other parts of the world in peak performance training, recovery from sports-related injury, and general wellness. Many European studies have shown the benefits of cold air therapy for many inflammatory conditions, injury, and performance enhancement.
Cryotherapy is the process of cooling the body through rapid, extremely cold air to obtain various health benefits. This process causes a fight-or-flight response in the body. The blood is supercharged with anti-inflammatory proteins, muscular enzymes, and higher oxygen levels, resulting in a very effective treatment for repair recovery, relief, and overall wellness.
Cold therapy has been used for decades in the form of ice packs, compresses, and ice tubs to treat pain and inflammation and recover from injury and other ailments. Cold air therapy is widely used in Europe, Russia and other parts of the world in peak performance training, recovery from sports-related injury, and general wellness. Many European studies have shown the benefits of cold air therapy for many inflammatory conditions, injury, and performance enhancement.
The rapid, extreme cold tricks the body into producing a fight-or-flight response. The blood is supercharged with anti-inflammatory proteins, muscular enzymes, and higher oxygen levels. The body activates its natural healing abilities and releases endorphins for further protection. As a result, whole-body cryotherapy is very effective for:
The rapid, extreme cold tricks the body into producing a fight-or-flight response. The blood is supercharged with anti-inflammatory proteins, muscular enzymes, and higher oxygen levels. The body activates its natural healing abilities and releases endorphins for further protection. As a result, whole-body cryotherapy is very effective for:
Exposure to sub-zero temps activates the central nervous system
Central nervous system activation allows the release of beneficial hormones and enhances circulation.
Hormone release produces systemic responses, including pain relief, increased mobility, decreased inflammation, mood elevation, and more!
Hundreds of thousands have experienced faster recovery, relief, and rejuvenation using whole-body cryotherapy.
Localized cryotherapy uses the same technology as our whole-body cryotherapy chamber to target specific areas. We use this “spot treatment” to reduce inflammation and pain in smaller areas. Each three-minute session has the ability for the cryo air to penetrate deep into the tissue for long lasting results. On a lower setting, localized cryotherapy is also used with the facials we provide to boost collagen and elastin in the skin.
NORSPRING Center for Rejuvenation offers the only true whole body cryotherapy in the Chattanooga area. The use of a vortex cooling system allows a highly oxygenated air emersion to cool the entire body during the cryotherapy treatment. This process eliminates the need to use hazardous refrigerants such as liquid nitrogen. Whole body emersion (including head, neck, face, and arms), is critical to facilitate a uniform drop in skin temperature, and necessary to stimulate the brain’s reaction to cooling the skin.
Athletes can get back to training within one hour.
The cold air used in Whole Body Cryotherapy causes the brain to release a higher-than normal level of endorphins. Because of the increased endorphins and adrenaline levels after a session, many users have reported improved mood and more energy after experiencing Whole Body Cryotherapy.
Post Operative Surgery and Cryotherapy work extremely well together. Cryotherapy has been shown to accelerate surgical recovery by reducing inflammation, pain and complications. It is also effective for reducing bruising and the formation of scar tissue.
Experience the Benefits of Cryotherapy